banner photo by L. Sam (click image to enlarge)

Midwest Buddhist Temple Taiko Group

The Midwest Buddhist Temple Taiko Group was started by the Kinnara Taiko Group of Los Angeles in 1977 to bring Japanese American Buddhist Taiko to Chicago. A self-taught group, the MBT Taiko Group embraces the Buddhist concepts of harmony and oneness.

The members come from many different backgrounds and, being a temple group, make performance and participation in the Obon Odori and Ginza Holiday Festival their priorities. The drumming equipment is made by the group from wine barrels and skinned with un-tanned cowhides. The music they play is from many different sources and groups—all committed to spreading this form of artistry.

For more information, please contact the temple office at or call 312.943.7801.

slideshow photos by G. Nagata

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