BON ODORI – JULY 8th at 8:00pm

Saturday, July 8th at 8:00 pm in the temple parking lot we will celebrate Bon Odori. Come join us as we dance to express our gratitude to our ancestors and the joy in the Truth of Life..

The chochin lanterns will hang above our temple parking lot. The cars will be gone, replaced with a ring of chairs, a stage for a taiko drum. And as nighttime falls, we will fill the lot to dance Japanese folk dances and honor loved ones who have passed before us. It’s the Bon Odori, celebrating Obon, one of the most colorful of the Buddhist observances which dates back 1500 years.

Everyone is welcome to dance at the festival. Although you don’t need to know the dances to participate, anyone wishing to learn before the festival can attend open practices led by the MBT Minyo group (Obon practice dates are posted below and on our calendar).


In the MBT tradition, we will have memorial candles available for a small donation. For $10 per name you can have your loved one’s name placed on a candle. These candles will be placed on the balcony ledge for the Bon Odori dance and in the Hondo for the Obon/Hatsubon service. The light of the candles remind us of the light that shines from the boundless lives of those we love. It is a reminder of what we have received and how their life continues to take effect upon us.

Please register here to purchase your candle(s) by July 2.

BON ODORI – JULY 8th at 8:00 pm – MBT Parking Lot

Everyone is welcome to come dance. Feel free to arrive early to mingle with friends, have some snacks or just enjoy the evening air.

OBON & HATSUBON SERVICE – JULY 9th at 10:30 am

Obon & Hatsubon (first Obon) Service will be held on Sunday July 9th at 10:30 am In-Person and on ZOOM. We hope to see you there!


Where: MBT Social Hall

June 26 – 7:30 to 8:30 pm
June 28 – 7:30 to 8:30 pm
June 30 – 7:30 to 8:30 pm
July 5 – 7:30 to 8:30 pm
July 6 – 7:30 to 8:30 pm

There is no cost or registration.

If you plan to attend in person, please observe our Attendance Policy, thank you


Its origin is linked to the Ullambana-sutra that tells the story of Mogallana, one of the great disciples of the Buddha. In this story, Mogallana sees his departed mother suffering in the fiery domain of the Hungry Devils, a domain where hunger and thirst know no bounds.

Everything that is touched immediately bursts into flames.

Grieving at what he sees, he attempts to relieve her suffering but his attempts to relieve her suffering are futile. In desperation, he goes to the Buddha and the All Compassionate One shows him the way.

Following the path shown him, he finally succeeds. He and his friends rejoice, expressing their joy and gratitude with music and dancing.

The Bon Odori is symbolic of that occasion. It is a time of rejoicing and expressing gratitude in the same manner as did Mogallana and his friends. This is the tradition of the Obon.

Please join us for Bon Odori and Obon Service. If you have any questions contact us.

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