Who can offer comfort?

Q-60pxWho offers comfort to a person who is grieving but cannot be comforted though he himself has already achieved enlightenment?

Is there ONE higher being that is acknowledged as a creator that can bring that comfort through Buddhism?

A-60pxNo, giving and receiving comfort is part of the workings of Compassion.There is not a higher being deciding what comfort means.

Buddhism is all about living, appreciating life because we realize that life is limited (i.e., death will come to each of us).

And achieving Enlightenment does not make one super-human, rather it makes one more human. Anyone who thinks or believes “I am Enlightened” is certainly not, because it would be an expression of the Ego-Self (the “I”).

Receiving comfort is like receiving food. We should appreciate and acknowledge the efforts of others (other people and all the things like sun, rain, soil, etc.). And remember that offering comfort requires someone to receive it. If the other person does not accept it, the comfort is meaningless.

It is like asking a blind man to see the sun and the clouds. We have to find ways so that a blind man can understand what sunshine is and what a cloud is.

Gassho (with palms together), Rev. Ron