Q-60pxHow does Shin Buddhism differentiate itself from Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism? Are there different rules, readings or interpretations?

A-60pxThis would take a long time to answer because it is so complex. But in short, Theravada (school of the elders) tries to follow the footsteps of the historical Buddha with an emphasis on Wisdom. Mahayana Buddhism tries to take the essence of the Teaching (and not the exact letter of the Teaching) and there is an emphasis on Compassion and the Bodhisattva idea. Shin Buddhism comes from the Pure Land School within Mahayana Buddhism. Shin Buddhism is a religion of “thank you” for what I have already received (Wisdom and Compassion) and I only have to become aware of it; while most religions are religions of “please” (as in asking for guidance, asking for grace, or asking for something).

Gassho (with palms together), Rev. Ron