Q-60pxAs a child, I remember Easter as a fun holiday—coloring eggs, having an Easter basket filled with goodies, and a family party including an Easter egg hunt (who would find the “golden” egg?). I even wore an Easter bonnet to Dharma School! I never thought of it as a Christian holiday. We’ve continued many of these fun Easter traditions, but as a Buddhist, is it “OK” to celebrate Easter (and Christmas)?


We live in the U.S. and American culture promotes many wonderful secular aspects of these holidays. My childhood memory of Easter is also about coloring eggs, Easter egg hunts and getting candy. However, I’m not so sure if the coloring of eggs, egg hunts and the Easter Bunny have religious meaning.

But I think we can respect and appreciate the sanctity of the religious holiday while celebrating the positive cultural aspects that we have come to enjoy—things like getting together as a family and the gratitude and joy we see in young children. These are universal benefits in any tradition.

As a recognized holiday in American society, time is set aside for many of these traditions along with its commercialization so there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of that opportunity from a Buddhist perspective.

As we all celebrate together, this can open up a dialogue for a better understanding of each other.

Gassho, Rev. Todd