Q-60pxWhy do MBT ministers sit during their Dharma talks? Is this common amongst BCA ministers?


This is not common amongst BCA ministers to sit for their Dharma talks. Most temples have a podium where the minister stands. The reason for this difference is related to the design of MBT.

Shinran Shonin referred to his followers as equal companions— Ondobo/Ondogyo —which means we are all fellow travelers on the path. This implies no hierarchy between ministers and lay members.

Most Jodo Shinshu temples have a hondo that does not have such a large height difference between the naijin (inner altar area) and gejin (outer area) like MBT does. But due to design and space requirements, this is how the MBT Hondo was constructed.

People sitting in the pews can see better because of the height difference. However, the typical hondo design is much more even in height. This height difference at MBT can create an implied hierarchy so to compensate for this, the minister sits during the Dharma message to physically lower themselves.

Gassho, Rev. Todd