Q-60pxIf Buddhists strive to reach enlightenment, it would seem we would be walking amongst one-or some. Have you known people who have reached enlightenment? And how do you know?

A-60pxI have been fortunate to have been among people that I would consider “enlightened” in the Shin Buddhist sense. We call these people, Myokonin, which literally means a wondrous, excellent person. These people are devout followers of Shin Buddhism (Jodo Shinshu) and who live a life dedicated to Amida Buddha. These people are so very humble. Of course, they would never admit that they have an awareness and awakening that is extraordinary. Yet, they say simple things and act with great humility. There is an official Hongwanji process to be recognized as a Myokonin, but I think we would know when we encounter a Myokonin. We (and others) would be able to sense being around a Myokonin. They are so normal, and that is exactly what makes them so extraordinary.